Tuesday, January 13, 2009

There are plans to create a "moving" skyscraper in New York, which would change shapes throughout the day. This sounds like a really, really bad idea, but apparently it's been done before.

A similar structure was created in Dubai, the middle-eastern country whose entire economy, according to the fine journalistic institution Cracked, "is based on building enormous things that exist only for the purpose of not making any goddamn sense."

A few of Burning Man's most awe-inspiring structures. This tanker snake blew me away.

"The 'Blog' of Unnecessary Quotation 'Marks.'" The name pretty much says it all.

'Robocop on a Unicorn' is pretty much exactly what you'd expect it to be. Only, better. If that's even possible.

Ever wanted to make a really, really small clay orange with a realistically detailed core? Here's your chance.

"Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving, and revolving at nine hundred miles an hour..."
Forget about illegal immigration. News like this makes it clear that monkeys, robots--and yes, god help us, monkeyrobots--will steal America's waiting jobs in record numbers. This is a the greatest threat to America's table-waiting industry since before the recently-repealed 1864 Foodservice Workforce Primate and Automaton ban.

I know a Stumbleupon page isn't generally the place for political posturing, but this is an important subject, and I felt the need to take a stand. First they steal our nation's God-given right to work in miserable, backbreaking jobs for menial pay, and now they take our right to wait tables for tip money? Something must be done. This November, don't vote for McCain or Obama; both candidates are slaves to the so-called "Lower Primate and Robotic Citizens" lobbies and special interest groups.

Only Ron Paul has the guts to fight these invaders. Ron Paul has repeatedly called for the deportation/decommissioning of these creatures/soulless machines, and has even encouraged the formation of anti-monkey and robot militias, to combat this furry/metallic menace. RP '08!

The sad truth.